Georgetown Chiropractic Care of Headache and Tips for Headache and Migraine Prevention

September 17, 2019

Headaches and migraines are never welcome. Headache sufferers are usually very open to tips on how to prevent them. Over 50 years of age, sufferers of migraine, a primary headache, find themselves members of a global community with migraine being a leading cause of disability. (1) Dr. Butwell offers some prevention tips and treatment relief ideas especially for our Georgetown headache and migraine sufferers.


A healthy diet feeds the body and the mind. Researchers have discussed that migraine triggers come in many different forms - environmental, hormonal, and dietary. A high-quality diet effectively helps control migraine. Further, and more specifically, women with chronic migraine ate a lower diet quality than that of women with episodic migraine. (2) Another study was even more specific with the kind of diet beneficial to migraine patients, specifically overweight folks. A very low-calorie ketogenic diet was revealed to be preventive of episodic migraines. Usefulness was observed within one month of the diet change. (3) Dr. Butwell is not urging that any of our patients begin a specific diet now! If a Georgetown headache sufferer wants to try a new diet, Dr. Butwell is here to discuss and determine which diet (if any special one) is proper.


In much the same way, vitamin D supplementation is presented. Vitamin D deficiency has been found in 45% to 100% of migraine sufferers. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant features of vitamin D have opened its supplementation to considered inclusion in the care and prevention of headache and migraine. One study reported that trial doses of 1000-4000 IU per day decreased the frequency of migraine including the routine drug therapy. More analysis needs to be done, but vitamin D supplementation appears encouraging. (1) Dr. Butwell explores the nutrition of each individual Georgetown chiropractic patient and suggests supplementation when appropriate.


Headaches of all types – primary headaches like migraine and tension-type headache – are common complaints brought to the Georgetown chiropractor. Research reported that complementary and integrative medicine - nutrition, movement (yoga), manual therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, biofeedback, meditation, and mind-body strategies – was helpful. More specifically, spinal manipulation, chiropractic care, some supplements, diet change and hydrotherapy are reported beneficial for migraine headache. (4)

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Mike Poulin on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson who discussed the treatment of headache with chiropractic care of the cervical spine featuring spinal manipulation in the form of Cox® Technic.

CONTACT Dr. Butwell

Schedule a Georgetown chiropractic appointment with Dr. Butwell today. Dr. Butwell welcomes headache and/or migraine sufferers for preventive and relieving care like diet modification, supplementation, and Georgetown chiropractic spinal manipulation.

Dr. Butwell offers relieving treatment and helpful tips for prevention of headache and migraine.