February 21, 2017

Exercise is good and beneficial. Exercise is integral to the chiropractic care plan for spine pain issues of types. Patients get to be a part of their own care and healing when they do their exercises. Dr. Butwell knows our Georgetown chiropractic patients just want to get back to doing what they want to do, what they used to do.

Weak back muscles don’t allow fluid spinal motion in low back pain patients. Dr. Butwell knows this isn’t good for our Georgetown back pain patients! Why do back pain patients have weaker muscles? Fat. With back pain comes more fat infiltration into the back muscles, muscles like the lumbar multifidus muscles which greatly influence the range of motion in lumbar spine. Fattier multifidi, less lumbar flexion. (1)

One article shares that there is big payoff for doing a little exercise! Patients who did just 2 days of muscle strengthening a week lowered their risk for low back pain. (And this article, as a side note, shares that smoking is also a powerful factor in your risk of getting back pain.  It’s best not to smoke.) (2) Dr. Butwell presents simple exercises you can do in just a few minutes from the comfort of your own home if you like! You’ll notice the difference these make!

Chronic nonspecific low back pain sufferers benefit from exercises like the lumbopelvic core stabilization exercises by positively affecting the pain perception by increasing your pain threshold and dropping your pain intensity. (3) Such exercises aren’t hard; they’re just effective! Dr. Butwell will who you how to do them so you can attain the most possible back pain relief. Dr. Butwell is with you, our Georgetown back pain patient, throughout your whole course of healing with as much support as you need.

Back school is an extra such support. Back school and manipulation/mobilization are standards of care for handling chronic nonspecific low back pain. These two approaches are suggested over many other approaches. (4) Cox Technic, an evidence based system of spine care, is spinal manipulation that Dr. Butwell chooses to use.

The chiropractic treatment plan is enhanced when back school is included in the overall back pain rehabilitation plan. How? Back school nurtures self-management, gives control back to the patient to help him/herself. (5) Dr. Butwell strives to educate our back pain patients as to how and why their backs hurt and how to preclude or at least minimize future occurrences. One study of just how well back school is received by back pain patients is a study of those who went to a back school at a chiropractor’s office. Back pain patients stated 95% satisfaction with taking time to attend, and 100% said it was worth the doctor’s time to share the material. (6) Georgetown chiropractic patients at Dr. Butwell are some of the most spine-smart people around!

Schedule a Georgetown chiropractic appointment today. It is the natural next step in your journey to back pain relief. You can expect much at your first visit! Your chiropractic appointment will give you a firm grasp of what caused your pain and how you are able to contribute to its not bothering you much in the future with exercise.

Exercise Enhances Chiropractic Back Pain Relief Plan